If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook, you've likely seen the wide array of photos of real, beautiful women of various ethnicities, styles and ages, showcasing the versatility of Hynt's makeup in creating looks that can be natural, glamorous, ethereal, sultry, professional... Well, we are absolutely thrilled today to zero in on our very own Makeup Artist and Creative Director who has been creating all of these looks and showing us color and texture combinations that we would never have thought to pair: Leann Somes.
Leann is one of the most skilled makeup artists we've had the pleasure to work with, not to mention one of the most adventurous women we know. After falling in love with makeup at the young age of 16 while attending a vocational high school in New Jersey, she set her heart on becoming one of the most versatile makeup artist in the industry. Never one to stand still and wait for opportunities to fall into her lap, Leann decided from the start to not limit herself to just one makeup artistry field. She opted to pursue all of it from bridal to editorial to brand consulting to elaborate special effects makeup (FX) for film to being an educator for a hair color line (!!) and has been nonstop learning and working since then. Talk about multi-talented!

We also collaborate with Leann to formulate top-notch cosmetic products and new colors that never compromise on quality or purity. For this interview, we sat down with Leann to talk about how she got started, her reasons for joining the Hynt Beauty family and what her biggest dreams and goals are.Tell us something we don't know about you!
My name is Leann but my friends call me LeeLee. I was born and raised in Pine Barrens, a heavily forested area of coastal plain that stretches across seven states in the south of New Jersey. When I was growing up, I absolutely loved spending my days outdoors to discover everything the world had to offer…it's no wonder that I fell into a career in the beauty industry where I can keep on learning and coming up with new visions and concepts that evolve around aesthetic beauty, every day.
Has makeup artistry always been your dream? How did you get into this industry?
When I was a child, being a makeup artist wasn't in my plans. I actually wanted to be a dentist! As weird as it may seem, my childhood dream led to my current career. Growing up, I had to wear braces for many years and they made me feel very insecure. To take attention away from my braces, I started focusing on my hair and makeup. Then, I decided to attend a vocational high school that offered classes in cosmetology. I said to myself, “Hair and makeup, during school?! Sign me up!” and then the rest is history. In 2006 I graduated from high school and became a fully licensed cosmetologist.

Of all the makeup artistry work you do, what was it about Hynt that made you want to dedicate a lot of time to work with us?
The people at Hynt Beauty are absolutely amazing to work with and the quality and purity of the products that it is able to create and share with the world make it truly special. Before I started to collaborate with Hynt Beauty, I had no idea how many products out there contain potentially harmful ingredients. I believe beauty products can and should be better and purer than that, and I know I can rely on Hynt Beauty to exclude nasty, potentially harmful ingredients from their formulations without compromising on the quality which of course I care about equally as a makeup artist. I'm proud to be part of the Hynt family and continue my education, as well as educate others, on the messy and often hard to decipher world of cosmetic ingredients.
What is your biggest dream?
I honestly feel like my biggest dream keeps changing as I get older. The one thing I am sure about though, is that I can succeed within this industry. The beauty industry is one that I absolutely love and know that success in this area will keep me grounded, allow me to stay true to myself, do what I love to do most, and bring me happiness. And feeling happy and fulfilled does make me want to start a family of my own one day...so there's also that to look forward to.

What's your life motto?
Push yourself, be humble, earn it, love. I believe the mind is an incredible thing. Do not waste it. Life is what you make of it so make it awesome, it is YOURS TO LIVE!
And, finally, any new goals you've set for the future?
My current goal is to keep busy doing what I know how to do best and that's creating beautiful things with my hands. I live my life with an open mind and am willing to explore all the possibilities that will come my way. I also try to think positive and create a warm and caring environment all around me.As for my personal life, I am getting married this summer so, at some point, I will have to fit myself and my wedding into my busy schedule!