Going through chemotherapy comes withphysical and emotional side effects. While this is a trying time for most,there are certain things Hynt Beauty Founder Meryl Marshall discovered alongthe way that made it a little easier to deal, whether emotionally orphysically. Here Meryl shares her during-chemo comfort and beauty tips that shewishes she’d known from the start.
Bald is beautiful! Embrace it by wearingfun earrings, statement necklaces, and a bright lip. If your head feels coldfrom being used to having the warmth of your hair, try lush, bold printscarves. They’re a fashionable alternative to a wig. Soft cotton caps are alsowonderful when at home.
Give your eyebrow area some T.L.C. byusing our Eyebrow Definer for a nourishing feel on sensitive skin. With ourBrow brush, tint above and below the brow using gentle, light handed strokes tocreate a natural looking eyebrow arch. You may line your upper lash line withthis product as well.
Moisturize your face and body frequentlywith skincare that is made with clean ingredients and free from syntheticfragrances and alcohol. Unscented products are an ideal option for sensitiveskin and smell. Do not neglect your neck and décolleté. Let the moisturizersettle in before applying any makeup to optimize longer wear.
No Lashes?Try This Trick
The absence of eyelashes can make youlook sleepy. So, use this makeup artist trick that makes eyes look fresh andwide open: Start by swiping a bright shimmery eyeshadow across your lid. Next,apply a touch of light shimmery shadow in the inner corner of your eyes. Finishwith a brown eyeliner to define. Try wiggling your eyeliner in between leftoverlashes or on both the upper and lower water line to make eyes pop.
Stay out of the sun as much as possiblewhen skin is sensitive from chemo. Protect skin with an SPF that has zinc oxideor titanium dioxide as the active ingredient and stay away from chemical SPFingredients, such as oxybenzone, octinoxate, and homosalate. Check theEnvironmental Working Group (EWG) Sunscreen Guidefor more information on using safe sunscreens.
You may experience hyperpigmentation or steroid-induced redness during this time but it is best to hold off on treating it during chemotherapy. A good quality concealer topped with a dusting of non-drying finishing powder can disguise these spots easily. Our award winning DUET Perfecting Concealer may be used exactly where you need it.

A powder with a yellow undertone evensout the appearance of discoloration and is best at covering dark spots. Our Finale Finishing Powder in Neutral Yellow has organic arrowroot to lend a calming sensation and theyellow tone will neutralize redness. When applying powderfoundation, only use synthetic brushes. Animal hair brushes are surprisinglycoarse and irritating to already sensitive skin.
Less is more when it comes to makeup,especially during treatment. Stay away from silicones in skin products andmakeup primers. They are very heavy and prevent the skin from breathing.
Lipstick and lip gloss are always greatmood lifters. Use organic-based, natural lip products that are unscented, asyour sense of smell will likely become acute during treatment. Try bright, boldshades to brighten your beautiful face. Lips can become ultra-dry during chemotreatment, so have a moisturizing lip balm(or two, or three) on hand to moisturize your lips.
For non-vegans, organic bone broth can help boost your depleted immune system. You can get them now in local markets or order them online. If you are vegan, try foods like organic sweet potatoes, organic teas, and mushrooms. But please consult your oncologist for the best nutritional guidance that’s tailored to you.

Treat yourself to an assortment oflozenges to calm nausea and soothe dry throats. Queasy Drops are a favorite with awide variety of flavors.
Take especially good care of your teeth.Brush with a natural toothpastelike David’s or Dr. Brite and don’t forget tofloss.
Listen to your body and nourish it withrest. Your recovery time after treatment will improve as you go.
A smile and a warm heart filled withpositivity goes a long way in feeling confident and your best. Self-care isnever selfish. Finding a song that can give you strength, motivation, andinspiration also helps to lift your mood when you aren’t feeling all that.
Take short walks. You may feel too tiredbut moving will help keep you energized. Looking into the distance as you walk,walking in the park alongside nature or along the water are all effective waysto relax your eyes and mind.
Talk to your doctor about massages. Many patients benefit from getting massages during treatment but it’s important that your doctor gives you the okay and that your massage therapist is oncology certified.

For your chemo treatments, pack a bagwith a soft cozy blanket, as you will feel chilled during treatment. I likedspa socks infused with aloe, my favorite cotton cap, loose fitting clothing,snacks that I could tolerate, and fluids to keep me hydrated. My infusion chairhad a T.V., so I was able to watch what I wanted to. They did not have iPads in2003 when I went through treatment, but I think it would be great to have oneto play ‘Words With Friends’.”
Let others help when they offer. A mealor offers to drive the kids somewhere or take them for a few hours ofentertainment can feel like an enormous weight lifted. You require rest andquiet which is so important. You will have your chance to pay it forward tosomeone else in the future.
It’s a good idea to avoid nail salonsduring treatment. The best solution is to keep your nails trimmed and bare.Towards the end of treatment, they will go through changes, like ridges orblack under the nail. This will eventually go away.

Depending on the particular chemo, youmay experience menopause. Most hot flashes last about four minutes. Keep aplastic bag filled with ice cubes and a washcloth handy for a quick cool down.During the flash, use the cold cloth around neck and arms, and especiallywrists. Keeping a tower fan in your bedroom helps ride out hot flashes duringthe night, which can be more intense during chemo than during regularmenopause.Thesetips will help you to stay your most comfortable during chemotherapy treatmentand your skin feeling its healthiest. Let your family members in on your planand stow this list where it’s handy for reference. We are available with beautyquestions during chemo and are proud to offer cosmetics that are designed tohelp brighten your days.